Writer Tips
10 Helpful Tips for Novelists to Write Better Fiction
Are you starting to write your first novel or thinking about publishing one? Our 10 Helpful Tips for Novelists to Write Better Fiction cheat-sheet can help you along the way. With advice on creating scenes, choosing the right words, and managing your time, these tips cover key aspects of writing that will improve your story. Whether you’re new to writing or looking for some fresh ideas, these tips will steer you in the right direction as you work toward your publishing goals!
Read More10 Questions to Consider Before Starting a New Writing Group
Have you ever thought about starting your own writing group? The idea of connecting regularly with fellow writers can be incredibly appealing. Who better to share your writing journey with than those who share your passion? Collaborating with others can also provide valuable opportunities for constructive feedback that can significantly enhance your stories.
To help you get started and avoid potential pitfalls, consider these 10 Questions to Consider Before Starting a New Writing Group.
Read MoreAmazon A+ Content for Authors: What It Is and How to Get Started
Boost your book’s Amazon page with A+ Content! 📈 Learn what A+ Content is, why it’s a game-changer for authors, and how to set it up step-by-step. From custom images to comparison charts, discover ways to make your book stand out and engage readers. Whether you’re a self-published author or working through KDP, this guide has everything you need to get started. #AmazonAPlusContent #KDP #BookMarketing #SelfPublishing
Read MoreWhat is NaNoWriMo? How This Fun Challenge Can Kickstart Your Novel
Curious about NaNoWriMo? Discover how this exciting 30-day writing challenge can help you finally start your novel! Whether you’re an aspiring writer or just looking for a creative boost, NaNoWriMo pushes you to write 50,000 words in November and provides a supportive community to keep you motivated. Learn all the essentials and tips to make the most of this transformative experience. Ready to kickstart your writing journey? Dive into our blog post and find out more!
Read More100 Essential Writing and Publishing Terms All Authors Should Know
Entering the world of writing and publishing can feel overwhelming, especially with all the jargon and industry-specific terms thrown around. Whether you’re just starting your writing journey or looking to expand your knowledge, this comprehensive guide will help you understand the most important terms and abbreviations. Let’s dive into 100 essential terms that every author…
Read MoreHow to Get More Done with a Weekly Writing Plan!
Do you schedule blocks of time to focus on writing your novel each week? Or is writing a hit or miss depending on your personal life? Does having a plan seem too rigid? Are you frustrated because you are not achieving the goals you set out to do weekly, in a month, 90 days, or a year?
In How to Get More Done with a Weekly Writing Plan, we show you how to create a flexible plan to help you write more, track your progress, keep you accountable, and celebrate your success.
Read MoreFiction Writing: When to Start a New Paragraph?
Do you know when to start a new paragraph in your fictional novel? Did you know that paragraphing can be different for popular fiction than if you are writing non-fiction, literary fiction, or a story for English composition class? That is because popular (or genre fiction) is designed to hook the reader and entertain, often by utilizing stylistic effects.
In Fiction Writing: When to Start a New Paragraph? we discuss 10 times you should be indenting the text for maximum story impact.
Read MoreTop 10 Fiction Edits to Make Your Story Better
Are you searching for simple editing tips to elevate your fictional novel from good to great? Do you wish you had a checklist to guide you through the process? If you’re new to self-editing and don’t know where to begin, we’ve got you covered.
In our post, Top 10 Fiction Edits to Make Your Story Better, we delve into the ten most effective edits that will help transform your writing, creating a novel that is strong, concise, and captivating to your readers.
Read MoreHow to Create a Deadline for Your Fictional Novel
The difference between a goal and a dream is that a goal has a deadline, a targeted finish date. Is it your goal to write and finish a book? Do you have an action plan? Or does the whole process feel overwhelming? Even if you do not have a book contract you should aim for a date of completion to help keep you on track.
In our post, How to Create a Deadline for Your Fictional Novel, we show you how to calculate your finish date and set up milestones to mark your progress toward a finished book.
Read MoreHow to Create S.M.A.R.T. Goals to Keep Your Writing on Track
Do you set goals with your writing only to have them derailed? Do you have trouble finishing a novel or with time management in general? How is an author supposed to maintain a personal life, do household chores, and write—publish—promote their stories without feeling overwhelmed or run ragged? In our post, How to Create S.M.A.R.T. Goals to Keep Your Writing on Track, we show you how to eliminate frustration and hit the needed milestones to write and finish your fictional story.
Read MoreHow to Write the Midpoint of Your Novel (and Avoid a ‘Saggy Middle’)
Do your novels begin full steam with a lot of energy and momentum only to fizzle out by the book’s middle? If repeated, you may soon have a whole drawer of brilliant starts but no finished projects. So how do you avoid writing a ‘saggy middle?’
In our post, How to Write the Midpoint of Your Novel (and Avoid a ‘Saggy Middle’), we give you a template to slingshot your story over that dreaded hump and straight into the second half so you can keep writing and finally get to ‘The End!’
Read More20 Items to Bring to Your First Writer’s Conference
Attending a writer’s conference is one of the best things you can do to either launch or advance your writing career. But what should you bring? Do you need a notebook or a laptop? Do you need business cards? How should you dress? What if you are published and need to bring books for the conference book table? Which items are beneficial, and which should you leave at home?
Our post, 20 Items to Bring to Your First Writer’s Conference, offers a valuable checklist to help put your mind at ease.
Read More101 Quick Writing Tips for Authors and Writers
Writing can be a challenging and rewarding pursuit, but it’s not always easy to know where to start or how to improve your craft. Whether you’re a seasoned author or just starting out, we hope that you can take away something to help you out with your writing journey from our post 101 Quick Writing Tips for Authors and Writers. We hope that some of these tips help you hone your skills, overcome writer’s block, and create compelling stories that captivate your readers.
Read More55 Fiction Writing Tips for Novelists
Are you a novelist looking to take your writing to the next level? Writing a novel is hard work, but with the right tips, it doesn’t have to seem so daunting. From structure and characterization to dialogue and word choice, this article will provide you with 55 fiction writing tips to help inspire and give some quick writing advice to help you along your writer journey.
Read More25 Quick Writing Tips for Fiction Writers
Writing fiction is a challenging and rewarding endeavor that requires a combination of creativity, skill, and discipline. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, there’s always room for improvement in your craft. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with 25 Quick Writing Tips for Fiction Writers to help you elevate your writing and create compelling stories that captivate your readers. From character development to plot pacing, we hope that these tips will help inspire you to hone your skills and take your writing to the next level.
Read More20 Quick Novel Writing Tips for Beginners
Writing a novel can be an exciting and fulfilling experience, but it can also be overwhelming for beginners. From developing characters to creating a plot, there are many elements to consider when writing a novel. If you’re just starting out on your writing journey, you may be wondering where to begin. In this blog post, we’ve compiled 20 Quick Novel Writing Tips for Beginners to help you get started and stay on track. These tips will provide you with the guidance and inspiration you need to turn your ideas into a compelling and engaging story. So, let’s dive in!
Read MoreThe Money-Making Author Mindset: Strategies for Financial Growth and Success for Writers
Mindset is an essential part of building a successful writing career. Without the right mental framework, it is difficult for authors to build a profitable writing career. In our blog post The Money-Making Author Mindset: Strategies for Financial Growth and Success we cover different mindset shifts authors can make to increase book sales and their income.
Read MoreHow to Handle Negative Book Reviews
One of the hardest parts of being an author is being hit with negative book reviews. Especially as a new author. Negative book reviews can be absolutely devastating. Authors pour their heart and soul into their books, sometimes spending months or years crafting, writing, and polishing up a story and bad reviews can cut deep. In this article, we’ll discuss How to Handle Negative Book Reviews and how to use them as an opportunity to improve and grow as an author.
Read MoreHow to Get Back into Writing
If you are a writer who meets every deadline and keeps your production schedule flourishing at peak level through holidays, sickness, and other hard, challenging time periods, then my hat is off to you! Great job!
For others, that masterful feat is not so easy.
If you have slacked off from writing for any reason, we hope How to Get Back into Writing can give you a PLAN to get back in the game!
Read MoreBiggest Self-Publishing Mistakes New Authors Make
There is a lot to learn about writing and self-publishing. In this blog post, we will cover the Biggest Self-Publishing Mistakes New Authors Make to help you avoid common pitfalls and give your book its best chance of success.
Read MoreNovel Writing Tips: Don’t Bury the Dialogue!
When writing the first draft of a fictional novel, authors may write fast, without giving much thought to format or style issues when it comes to dialogue. However, during the revision phase, it is important to look at each line to ensure the conversations between characters have the greatest impression upon readers.
In Novel Writing Tips: Don’t Bury the Dialogue! we show you how to make your character’s speech stand out for clarity, maximum impact, and stylistic effect.
Read MoreHow to Spot Publishing Scams & How To Avoid Them
Learning how to navigate the publishing world is hard enough. Then there are the vanity press businesses that pose as publishers, predatory publishing companies, fake literary agents, and other publishing scams running rampant across the internet. Our post, How to Spot Publishing Scams & How To Avoid Them, shows some of the red flags to look out for and ways to avoid falling into the traps these scammers set to ensnare new authors.
Read More5 Common Mistakes New Writers Make
New writers often hold onto various misconceptions when it comes to writing and publishing. How do you know when your work is ready to publish? Do you really need to hire an editor? What expectations are realistic when publishing a first book? Will publishing houses help a new author with promotion? In our post, 5 Common Mistakes New Writers Make, we discuss these topics and more to help you avoid blunders and launch a flourishing writing career.
Read More12 Quick Tips to Write Dazzling Dialogue
Dialogue can be challenging to write. It takes time and practice to craft conversations that are believable, meaningful, serve to push the plot forward, and hold the attention of the reader. To help you improve your craft of fiction writing and make your character’s lines sparkle, we have created a list of 12 Quick Tips to Write Dazzling Dialogue.
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