Behind the Scenes: Interview with the Authors of the “Sew in Love” Collection

Behind the Scenes: Interview with the Authors of the “Sew in Love” Collection
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Have you ever wondered how authors come together to collaborate on ‘anthologies’ or novella collections? Are you curious as to what it is like to be an author?


Click on the video to hear Jacquolyn McMurray, Debby Lee, and Darlene Panzera talk about how they met, the benefits of working together on a collection, how long they’ve been writing, and other info in this sneak peek into the lives of these working writers.

The Sew in Love collection includes four individual historical inspirational romance novellas. Each story features a seamstress in a different time period and setting, as well as a theme of ‘love stitched into broken lives.’

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"First Steps Guide for Aspiring Writers" a 30-page comprehensive resource to get you started on your writing journey.

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