Author Chats & Interviews
The Author Chats & Interviews page offers valuable insights and practical advice from experienced authors, helping you navigate your own writing journey. Through these interviews, you’ll learn firsthand how authors approach the writing process, tackle challenges, and refine their craft. Whether it’s tips on building compelling characters, structuring your plot, managing writer’s block, or finding your unique voice, these interviews provide actionable takeaways that you can apply to your own work.
Author Interview with Jeri Stockdale: Writing a 3-Book Series
Join us for a fun and informative Author Chat with Jeri Stockdale: Writing a 3-Book Series.
In this interview, Christian Historical Romance author, Jeri Stockdale, talks about the writing life, her path to publishing, and what she learned from Writing a 3-Book Series. Writing a series of novellas back-to-back has many challenges, and she gives a realistic view of the time involved and offers aspiring writers tips on how to plot, edit, and promote a fictional story.
Author Chats: Kate Breslin & Book Launch Promotion
Kate Breslin, an award-winning author of Christian historical fiction, discusses her strategy for book launch promotion and offers several ideas to help aspiring writers build their own group of influencers (or Street Team). Also learn tips for networking, creating promotional materials, and lining up book signing events in this fun, interactive interview conducted by Darlene Panzera.
Author Chats: Cara Grandle & Her Path to Publishing Fiction
Debut author, Cara Grandle, tells us what it’s like to pursue a fiction writing career and how she got her first contract with a traditional publisher, published her first book, The Rock, and how she set up her first book signing. Learn valuable tips and gain fresh insight into both the writing life and the publishing process in this fun interactive interview conducted by Darlene Panzera.
Behind the Scenes: Interview with the Authors of the “Sew in Love” Collection
Behind the Scenes: Interview with the Authors of the “Sew in Love” Collection.
Our Inspiration For Writing A Historical Novella Collection
Q & A with the authors of the Sew in Love Collection: Jacquolyn McMurray, Debby Lee, and Darlene Panzera.
Why We Started Aspiring Writer Academy: Our Story
Hi, I’m Darlene Panzera, co-owner of Aspiring Writer Academy and I would like to share why my daughter, Samantha, and I started a blog on writing and publishing.